The possibilities of domestic gas Astra
Who, if not a domestic manufacturer, is more interested in the development of affordable technology, whose operating parameters will best meet the conditions of use. The quality of natural gas, water pressure, general ventilation rules when installing gas equipment, government regulations and compliance with operating rights are easier to take into account for local equipment manufacturers. The geyser Astra from the company "Heat Exchanger" occupies a serious position in the Russian market and is very popular among consumers.
Main characteristics
Gas water heater for running water is a technical solution based on the needs, conditions and capabilities of the consumer. The issue of hot water is urgent at all times. The geyser aster is a worthy proposal that meets the needs of the population. The device, even with a small capacity of 12-15 kW, is capable of producing water heating up to 60-65 degrees, while gas consumption is moderate. A device with higher power, with a capacity of up to 12 l / min., Is able to serve two connection points water at the same time.
It should be remembered that the installation of a gas column aster should be made in full accordance with the instructions, taking into account the necessary technical parameters of its use.
Despite the fact that the equipment is a budget option, it is equipped with a full security system. So, automatic column disabling occurs in the following cases:
- lack of traction;
- cessation of water supply;
- lack of flame.
The product range is quite diverse. Depending on the performance and individual preferences, it is relatively inexpensive to ensure uninterrupted supply of hot water at the optimum temperature. Despite the fact that this gas installation at a cost is significantly lower than the well-known brand equipment, in terms of its functional capacity and design, it is worthy of competition.
Pros and cons of technology
The advantages of the gas column aster:
- affordable price;
- ability to work on natural and liquefied gas;
- security;
- classic design;
- optimal dimensions;
- economical gas consumption;
- simplicity in management and installation.
- availability of spare parts and components.
Given the relative cheapness of the gas column, you should not choose the cheapest model. As a rule, the lower the cost, the lower the quality of the materials used. In this regard, in many models there is a big drawback: during operation, there are constant leakages. Replacement parts, of course, can be purchased at any store, but if such failures are frequent, a question arises as to the efficiency of using such cheap equipment at a cost with regular maintenance costs. Practically in all models during ignition it is clearly pronounced. the sound is fused in the form of cotton. Automation is poorly tuned to control and maintain temperature. Many are disappointed by the lack of additional functions, primitive design and mechanism (although for some it may be a plus).
The use of new technologies in columns, the presence of many built-in functionality leads to a significant increase in the cost of technology, and the manufacturer does not pursue such a goal.
Most bought models
Customer reviews are very diverse - this is due to the technical capabilities of the equipment and the real needs for its operation. The equipment can not regularly operate at full capacity, so even a good gas boiler can fail in operation. The most popular models that have a positive user experience are as follows.
- Astra 8910-10 is the simplest and cheapest model, about 5,000 rubles. The mechanism of work resembles the former Soviet column, but in a more modern version. The design is very primitive, and repairs can be made independently, even without certain skills. Service does not create large financial costs, as it is produced in a household way. To avoid having to regularly descale the column, you can install coarse water filter. If, after all, a raid has already formed on the radiator, it can be washed with vinegar or a conventional anti-scale agent. Periodically lubricating the levers is a standard maintenance of gas appliances by gas collectors.
Geyser Astra 8910-10
- The model Astra JSD20-10A is available already with electric ignition. The device is more expensive in cost, but it is safer since there is no burning wick. After leaving the room, you can not worry about a gas leak, if you forgot to turn off the column before leaving. According to the manual, the power of the column is 20 kW, but at the same time the relatively low productivity is 10 l / min. Despite the gap in efficiency, the disadvantage is filled by the relative cheapness of the device having electronic ignition.
Geyser Astra JSD20-10A
Depending on the expectations and willingness to spend a certain amount of money, the user's conclusion is formed. If the purchase takes into account all the technical parameters and capabilities in accordance with the conditions of use, you can choose the best option. Pursuing the goal to purchase equipment, the cheapest at cost, the result will be appropriate.