China has built a giant air purifier

The Chinese have created a giant air purifier capable of purifying the atmosphere within a radius of 45 meters. It is a 100 m high tower with numerous filters. The building is supplied with energy through solar panels.

The structure, installed on one of the squares in the city of Shaanxi, is currently being tested. It passes through the filters about 10 million cubic meters of air per day. Citizens note an improvement in air quality in the immediate vicinity of the tower.

In the event that the tests are completed successfully, the Chinese experts intend to build a similar structure 0.5 km high and place it on the central square.

 Giant air purifier

A report prepared by the Chinese Academy of Sciences says that the device is able to clean the air of the most harmful particles and compounds - nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, fine compounds PM 2.5.

The tower was built in the middle of 2016, but the tests are still ongoing.The sources of solar energy and air intakes are located at the base of the tower, the filters themselves are inside. To assess the effectiveness of the process, sensors are placed around the perimeter, assessing the degree of air purity. Living in the immediate vicinity of the tower, residents note the silent nature of its work, its efficiency and attractive design, which fits well with the architecture of the street.

Some time ago, a 7-meter-high cleaner was installed in the center of Beijing. The device is able to clean about 720 thousand cubic meters. m of air per day, works from the city-wide power supply network.

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